Simple, open source messaging tool

An alternative to Slack or Teams, Raven is designed to be the place where your teammates engage. Organise discussions in channels. React with emojis. Share files, images and code snippets.

All the good stuff. Free, forever.

App screenshot

Your workplace needs a modern messaging tool.

Raven can run on your ERPNext (or any Frappe) instance, so it doesn't cost anything. Don't use ERPNext or Frappe Cloud? No problem, you can host it yourself.

Organise conversations in channels

Open channels are visible to everyone. Private channels are only visible to selected members, and are invite-only. Public channels are visible and can be joined by anyone, but you can restrict them to members of your team.

Direct messages

Have private conversations with your colleague. Need to store notes? You can DM yourself.

Text, documents, images, and memes.

Share any file on Raven. Your teammates will be able to preview most of them right inside the app.

React to messages

Need a quick way to respond to a message? Just react with an emoji.

Reply to messages

An emoji isn't enough? Reply to a message to quote it, and keep the conversation going.

Bookmark important messages

Don't lose track of important messages. Bookmark them, and find them later in your saved messages channel.

Search made easy

Search for messages and files in or across multiple channels, direct messages and quickly find users in your organization.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? File an issue on Github or reach out to us directly at

Can I use Raven with other Frappe apps?
Yes. Raven is built using Frappe framework, and hence can be used with other Frappe apps. We plan on building integrations with ERPNext, FrappeHR, FrappeLMS and FrappeDesk in the future.
Who is this for?
Any team that needs a modern messaging tool. We've built Raven for our own team, and we hope you find it useful too. If you are already using ERPNext or any other Frappe app in your organization, Raven is a no-brainer.
Is Raven really free?
Yep (and forever). It's licensed under the AGPL v3 license, and it's source code is available on Github.
How can I contribute to Raven?
Any contribution (reporting bugs, suggesting features, or contributing code) is welcome, and frankly, needed. Check out our Github repo for more details.
Can I sponsor an integration with another app?
Yes. We are open to building integrations with other apps. Please reach out to us at for more details, or simply file an issue on Github and we will reach out to you.
I have a self-developed Frappe app. Can I integrate it with Raven?
Technically, yes. Your app would need to send/view messages using the APIs available in Raven. Third-party integrations with providers like Linear, Salesforce, Github etc are also possible, but have not been implemented yet. We will be building an integration layer and providing documentation for it soon.

100% Open Source

Raven is backed by the Frappe Incubator Program, and is built using 100% free and open source software.

A major part of Raven was built at FOSS Hack 3.0, where we were one of the winning projects.

FrappeFOSS Hack 3.0